
Monday, 14 December 2009

Micro-challenge: the word 'Christmas'

1. What is the origin of the word 'Christmas'?

2. Find information about the following festivities:
a. Christmas Day
b. Boxing Day
c. New Year's Eve
d. New Year's Day


Veronica** said...

La palabra Christmas (Navidad) proviene de las palabras del inglés antiguo "Cristes maesse", que significan "la misa de Cristo". Esa frase fue utilizada por primera vez en 1038. El primer festival registrado un 25 de diciembre fue organizado en Roma en el siglo IV. Más tarde, la celebración fue extendida a otras sociedades y culturas, dando origen a la Navidad de hoy en día.

The word Christmas comes from the Old English words "Cristes maesse", which mean "the mass of Christ". That phrase was first used in 1038. The first festival recorded on December 25th was held by Romans in the fourth century. The celebration was later spread to other societies and cultures, giving origin to modern Christmas.

Veronica** said...

BOXING DAY: It is usually celebrated on the following day after Christmas day, which is 26th December. However, strictly speaking, Boxing Day is the first weekday after Christmas. Boxing Day is a public holiday. This means it is typically a non-working day in the whole of Britain.

NEW YEAR´S EVE: New Year's Eve (or Old Year's Night) is on December 31st, the final day of the Gregorian year, and the day before New Year's Day.
New Year's Eve is celebrated with parties and social gatherings spanning the transition of the year at midnight.

NEW YEAR'S DAY: New Year's Day is the first day of the year, in the Gregorian calendar. In the modern times, it is January 1st. It is a time for looking forward and wishing for a good year ahead. It's also a holiday.

CHRISTMAS DAY: It is the favourite day for children. The wake up very early in the morning to find their stockings have been filled by Father Christmas and excitedly unwrap the presents before going down to breakfast.

Teacher: Sergio said...

Very good, Veronica, but... what do people do on Boxing Day?

Veronica** said...


The people do donation and present for the poor.

Victoria Ingles said...

resumiendo: Christmas Day es el día de Navidad, signifia literalmente misa de Cristo,ya que festeja la natividad de Cristo. Es el 25 de diciembre.
Boxing Day es el día en que la gente comparte con personas pobres regalos. Su nombre puede ser dado poruqe antiguamente los nobles llevaban comidas y regalos a los pobres en cajas.Es el 26 de diciembre.
New year's Eve es la fiesta de nochevieja. El 31 de diciembre.
New Year's Day el día de año nuevo. El 1 de enero